Is Time Speeding Up?

At times it seems like the days, weeks and months are just melting into one another.
Is Time Speeding Up?

At times it seems like the days, weeks and months are just melting into one another.

I’ve often wondered why when we are kids it seems to last forever but as we get older years seem to slip by. If you are willing to accept that time is constant and not speeding up, there must be an explanation as to why we all feel this.

I believe this has something to do with our brains and the way we fundamentally process information.

When we’re younger, every experience is a new one and we’re constantly amazed by our world. I think of Arabelle, my newborn, and the look on her face when she feels the sensation of my beard in her hand — it’s pure awe.

As we get older these experiences become mundane and life just starts to become “normal” and “boring”.  

Despite this monotony, there are always going to be moments where this cycle is disrupted and we are presented with new experiences, both happy and tragic.

In these moment we have an opportunity to reconnect with ourselves and experience an element of life with fresh eyes and open hearts.

While external factors such as sickness, sudden change in employment, or having a child will almost certainly throw us into one of these moments, I often wonder how I can create them more predictably.

Where can I constructively disrupt some of my own internal patterns and create extreme moments on my own?

I have some thoughts but I’ll save that for future musing and for now, I’d like to just leave this open ended.

Food For Thought

Where can you create some intentionality in your life and take things off auto-pilot?

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